Monday, January 4, 2010

Elderly Abuse I Need To Find Statistics Given By 'Action On Elderly Abuse'?

I need to find statistics given by 'Action on Elderly Abuse'? - elderly abuse

I read your website and can not be the case, I also tried the Internet in general, and can not obtain recent statistics on violence against the elderly. I also think the government reports and research on elder abuse


Mandy L said...

Tip: Age Concern. Similarly, each hospital or a range of social services a person should be by the violence against the elderly, are likely to be in a position to statistics to be created on your designated territory. HMSO publications give him all the Govt. You can also contact the library of the RCN, which I know have had a campaign against violence against the elderly. Hope this helps

cluckinc... said...

Hahhhahaaa this is a funny question, why?

People who abuse never be sued, or worse still those who have no homes.

I worked in a stay of 3 months and what I saw and heard made me ill.

An employee aledgedly a woman from a window that was finally pushed dead, the house of a fine peanuts, because it silenced.
A woman of 100 years was the knee in the pool by a serial offender, who had broken, she said, had given officials, had his house.
A very old woman turned to the hair by an assistant ....
It was in my short time that happens, that has never been reported? I know that another house was in the chain of a serial aggressor, says the head!

HP and employees are poorly paid and often not the brightest star in the sky, then they run the risk of loss of employment in a position to speak there. !

Government inspectors P * ss-poor because they do not understand and have never worked on a house, probably.
Employees are honest, as a rule, but those who compLain lose their jobs or other staff at Coventry, etc.

My mother is 82 years - it looked as though it were a house, I go from misery to myself, instead of going there.

In conversation with dealers and others have only about 1 in 20 for the treatment of residents, or as I like to be treated if I was.

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