Do you want Hillary Clinton to run for president? Do you think that she will be a good president? - anti hillary clinton
Does a woman have to change your answers or if you feel well. Are you a Democrat or Republican? Please answer all questions, or you will not receive additional points. Thank you for your opinion! Of course, I am a Republican and against Hillary Clinton or Clinton for that matter.
A woman does not affect me a little. I swing votes so I guess that depends neither on the person for political office in particular. NO! I will not vote for Hillary Clinton, 8 years of misery and do nothing, the White House is already enough.She said his wife would be a great advantage for them. I would vote for Rice if she ran. I know, but she is intelligent. Race has nothing to do with a president, or do sex. I have no respect for people to change their views just because that's what it takes to be preferred. Get off the fence and a stand for what you believe. We live in a world that can afford this approach.
Double Negative in the first two questions.
Then there would be no problem for a woman to choose as president, they would have on my policy, do not comply with my style, I would vote for them.
I agree generally quite conservative and the Republicans. Lately, my concern about the way things pushes me more on the liberal side.
No, and no hell.
Part of being a woman, but mostly it is. She is everything I'm against it, and against everything that I represent.
I am a conservative.
No, I think would be a shame. no. libertarian.
Whether it works, but it is so wrong, it means something does'nt really depends on which way the wind is blowing that day is how they make their decisions
I really hope he goes! She thought the Mondale / Ferraro ticket in '84, it had seen a shame - he has nothing!
God, no!
As a woman has nothing to do with the fact that more scandle --------- I can tell, it works. This is certainly not condemned, but come on, how many people need before they can see that it is not an honest man. But a greedy, selfish book.
I am a indepentant.
Heck. No, give me a shizzite she is a woman. I do not care if a woman never wins the presidency, but not this .. this thing called Hillary Clinton. I do not care whether it is democratic or republic or something. Just effin simple "no." If she becomes president, I move to another country for no reason.
It has damaged our country and probably as much as they can. He is trying to use Christian morality, and make it look good, but if he gets what he wants, things will simply disappear. They want a president who traveled to China, somewhere, the terrible problems with abortion, and support the idea? Encourage them to get an abortion? Gosh, I hope not, because I do not like. After she received from me as president, and probably the worst nightmare of someone else.
It reminds me of someone evil.
I naturally also against Hillary Clinton. ee
Not just for my own reasons, but for the province. I do not live in a time where we have paid in full by the DRain by a first woman president. No, but because some evil, cunning woman named Hillary Clinton.
And .. / End rant.
I am a woman, conservative. Probably most democratically elect Republicans, but the hinge is in my view, more conservative political affiliation. I think Hillary would be a disaster as president. Do not mix in politics, sex. I think Elizabeth Dole would be a very good president.
I am a woman, conservative. Probably most democratically elect Republicans, but the hinge is in my view, more conservative political affiliation. I think Hillary would be a disaster as president. Do not mix in politics, sex. I think Elizabeth Dole would be a very good president.
I do not care whether he was a man, a woman or a Klingon curse, not to vote for liberal kooks.
No, hell is not running. It has nothing to do with the fact that she is a woman to do .. I can not bear it, or what it represents. One of my biggest problems with him and the crazy left is their desire to disarm all Americans, and their position on illegals.
I'm on my way .. influence but more conservative on most issues.
One thing is for sure ... If Ever Hitlary became president, Mexico was the problem of illegal immigration, not us.
I am a moderate, voted with the ideology, vote for people who have common sense. When you return to the first part of President Bill, you are an effort by Hillary led a number of serious changes in our healthcare system to see that is essentially a socialist system. Socialism is wonderful, great, fantastic! The problem is that it does not work. Hillary is a socialist plain and simple, and while I am willing to DEM as President (Bill Richardson would be considered mad), which is not him.
I am a woman and not change my OPINON. If a woman wanted to run, a good Republican, I support him. But if Hillary ... Woo hoo, we can say that a liberal? "Of course, I am a Republican. I am with you in the anti-Clinton bit. I think it will go to Africa or Europe if he wins somewhere, independent of the USA! =]
I am a woman and not change my OPINON. If a woman wanted to run, a good Republican, I support him. But if Hillary ... Woo hoo, we can say that a liberal? "Of course, I am a Republican. I am with you in the anti-Clinton bit. I think it will go to Africa or Europe if he wins somewhere, independent of the USA! =]
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